2015 Team Meeting

Location: Carnegie Mellon University

Dates: August 17-18, 2015Here is a link to the abstracts pdf for this meeting.

Presentation Title Presentation Download Link
Growth and Coarsening of Si Particles in a Liquid: Insights from Four-Dimensional X-ray Microtomography
Ashwin J. Shahani, Xianghui Xiao, and Peter Voorhees
Analysis of the Al-Cu Solidification Process Using 2-pt Statistics
Ahmet Cecen, John W. Gibbs, Peter W. Voorhees, and Surya R. Kalidindi
Plug-and-Play Priors for 3D Reconstruction of Materials
Suhas Sreehari and Charles A. Bouman
Complex Diffraction Tomography (CODIT)
Aditya Mohan and Charles A. Bouman
Vector Field Tomography for Materials Imaging
K. Aditya Mohan and Charles Bouman
(see above)
Archetype-Blending Continuum (ABC) Stochastic Multiresolution Theory for Microstructure Based Predictive Materials Science: Application to Polymer Based Systems
L. Catherine Brinson, Wei Chen, Wing Kam Liu, and Daniel Apley
Quantify compatible interfaces for highly reversible phase transformation by Synchrotron Laue Micro diffraction
Xian Chen and Richard D. James
Combining Image Compression with Digital Image Correlation
Jin Yang and Kaushik Bhattacharya
Sampling methods applied to material optimization problems with multiple microstructural solutions
Pinar Acar and Veera Sundararaghavan
Dynamic Sampling
G.M. Dilshan Godaliyadda, Dong Hye He, Gregory Buzzard, Charles Bouman
MATIN: An e-Collaboration Platform – Current State and Future Directions
Ahmet Cecen, David Brough and Surya Kalidindi
Multi-Scale Microstructure-Property Modeling of Elastic Localization Relationships in High Contrast Composites
Rosanne Liu, Ankit Agrawal, and Alok Choudhary
The marked point process for 3D datasets
Dae Woo Kim and Mary Comer
Dae Woo_MURI_2015
Application of Forward Models for Indexing of Electron Diffraction Modalities
Saransh Singh and Marc De Graef
Extracting Grain Boundary Inclination Angles from 2D EBSD and PFIB Analysis of AlSiCu
Michael Chapman and Marc De Graef
A New Joint Markov Random Field/Marked Point Process Image Model under the Bayesian Framework
Huixi Zhao and Mary Comer